
Zurich University of the Arts | BA Design

Cosmos Observatories – Design Perspectives on Environmental Humanities

Benjamin Egger, Flurina Gradin
Bachelor’s Seminar – Autumn Term 2020

Keywords: Transdisciplinarity, Queer Ecology, Intra-Action, Epistemology, Multispecies-Encounters, Ecocriticism, Holobiont

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University of Zurich | GEO 424

Themes in Environmental Humanities

Marcus Hall
Master’s Seminar – Spring Term 2020
Keywords: climate change, biodiversity loss, energy scarcity, environmental diseases, marine pollution, urban congestion, sustainability

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Zurich University of the Arts | BA Design

Design Ecotopia

Laura Bruns, Flurina Gradin
Bachelor’s Seminar – Every Spring Term

Keywords: Future, Utopia, Urban Ecology, Visual Ecosystem Engineering, Digital storytelling

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ETH Zurich | HIL D10.2

Concrete Jungles: Urban Ecology and Its Design

Emily Eliza Scott, Christoph Kueffer
Bachelor’s Seminar – Spring Term 2018

Keywords: Urban Ecology, Ecological Design, Anthropocene, Revitalization, Terrain Vague, Re-Wilding

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University of Zurich, Botanical Garden

Preparing for Post-Collapse

Christoph Kueffer, Marcus Hall, Philippe Saner, Philippe Forêt
Summer School (Seminar and Symposium) – Spring Term 2014
Keywords: Sustainable Ways of Living, Natural Limits, Humanities, Survivors, Urgent Transition, Parasitism, Symbiosis, In-Between Areas

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ETH Zurich | Institute of History

Mountains Across Borders

Marcus Hall, Patrick Kupper
Summer School – Autumn Term 2013
Keywords: Diversity, Mountain Cultures, Ecosystems, Dependencies, Contamination, Preservation, Restoration, Loci of Disaster, Refugia

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